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My sweet niece and goddaughter Allie walked the Promenade as a senior for the last time, as did Maggie, Katrina, Nick, Emily, Eric, Meghan and others... students that we have seen grow up from Elementary School to now their final weeks as students at Wildwood Catholic High School ...
And a SPECIAL THANKS to Michelle Sheeran, who for the past 5 years has been the Chairwomen for the  Promenade and Post Prom. As this was her daughters last prom, it's time for her to step down. She and her committee of dedicated volunteers work very hard to make the students Prom experience as memorable as possible... She dose this all the while being a wonderful Grandmother to her beautiful grand daughters - picture below with the her son, who is a teacher at Wildwood Catholic!
Calling it a night - here are some proud parents heading out as their children head over the Wildwood Golf Club for the Prom... Great job Mrs. Schumann!!!!
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