Lunch with Lynch
at Glenwood Avenue School!
Once a month I like to take my Lunch Break and spend an hour with the kids at Glenwood.
This year I will be bring some guests with me, like police officers, local chefs, someone from the Post Office, the Fire Department, a face painter, our Mayors and other surprises for these great kids. It's a wonderful way for the students to meet members of our community.
This month I read a book to them about a Bear who misses Christmas as he hibernates in December...
As I was reading the book Mrs. Haas, one of the teacher's, decided it would be funny to paint my nose red and give me antlers.
Not missing a beat - I kept on reading!
Well of course once we finished the book we had to breakout into a few Christmas songs - like Rudeoff The Red Nose Reindeer, Jingle Bells and so on..........
Great Kids at a Great School...