On our drive up the coast we were detoured onto a very small road that was meant for regular passenger car...
Trucks were forced onto this road as well...
which was ok until they had to pass each other.
Well... we were stuck behind these four trucks for about 1/2 hour until they could figure our how all of us were going to get by... what you don't see is the three trucks behind me blocking the road.

All the truck drivers gathered outside our car to  discuss a plan - they  motioned me out to join them  - you should have seen their faces when they realized I was not a Croatian, and did not speak their language. The best I could come up with was "Hi I am an American" We were the pivotal car for this operation  They did allot of pointing and figured out what they wanted me to do...

Vicki freaked - though I thought it was awesome... having to jockey back and forth between these trucks on this very small road was a real challenge...
Before long we were back on the road heading North.
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